Trinity Institute Australia

Team Trinity

Anne Murray-Bergan
(Chief Executive Officer and
Principal Executive Officer)

Trinity Institute (Australia) is proud to have Anne Murray-Bergan leading Team Trinity.  Anne is passionate about helping students to achieve high-quality learning outcomes and meet their full potential.  Having been in vocational training and education since the year 2000, Anne brings 20+ years of experience in vocational education across Australia to Trinity Institute (Australia).  Anne’s focus is on student wellbeing and helping students to attain the hands-on practical skills that they can use in the real world and for years to come.  


Team Trinity comprises a large team of friendly people.  Our Student Support, Academic, Accounts and Marketing teams are always ready and willing to help students.  We have staff members from 7+ countries all over the world and who speak a multitude of languages.

'Education is your passport to the future' ~ Team Trinity

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